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Lyndi Hutchinson
Life Transformation Expert/Keynote Speaker/Coach
I help motivated people transition through life events, find their true passion and accelerate to new heights of success.

Life is precious and you want to make the most of it.


Whether you are navigating a new chapter or experiencing challenging events, it can be unsettling and you may not know where to go next.   Moving forward can be difficult  if you feel out of alignment from your authentic self. There are times you may feel overwhelmed or fatigued. This is when it becomes necessary to refresh, reevaluate and course correct.

Trained and experienced guidance can save time, money and frustration.


 With her dynamic keynotes, interactive workshops and private coaching,  Lyndi blends down to earth, "been there" humor with timeless wisdom and teaches practical everyday tools for success. Listeners gain clarity of their purpose, become invigorated and are energized to create a life that they love.

People spend more time planning a vacation than they do their own life.

Learn how to quit living by "default".  

About Lyndi


Hello! My name is Lyndi Hutchinson, thanks for stopping by!

When I was a kid, I noticed there two kinds of people:

the ones that lived incredible lives and, well,  the others that just read about them! 

I wanted to be the one with the amazing life.

But how do you get there?

 I was raised believing that we control our destiny. My dad was a minister and my whole family spent a significant amount of their life teaching in the faith based community.

Transformation Expert Lyndi Hutchinson

 Along with this spiritual aspect of my youth, I was fascinated by personal development from secular sources like: Napoleon Hill, Wallace Waddles, Earl Nightingale - the giants in this field. I wanted to have that kind of impact!


I devoted 26 years of my life in coaching, public speaking and teaching  with the Holy Scriptures, that inspired, instructed and encouraged others - especially when someone found themselves in a difficult situation.

And as things happened to turn out later, I ended up being one of those people!


My 18 year marriage to a minister, became very toxic and dangerous.  I made a difficult decision: I ended my marriage - which was not allowed in our faith.  I was excommunicated from my family and all the congregations.

It was a very challenging time.

There was a difficult time of transition. Eventually, I began to experience a inner calm and joy - debilitating migraine headaches disappeared.  I wished I hadn't waited so long to make the change.


Since then, my life has soared to unexpected heights!

Besides being blessed with world travel, becoming an inventor, being a writer, owing and living on a yacht, being president of a non profit, my greatest joy now is teaching a proven, reliable, repeatable method of transformation.  I am certified to teach it and live by it every day myself!​ The benefits are remarkable and rewarding.

Contact me today for a free 30 minute consultation on coaching or information on a Keynote or Workshop.

It would be an honor to serve you and watch as your life blossoms and see your dreams achieved!


Lyndi's Keynotes                                     and Workshop



            The Recipe for Success:
             3 Essential Ingredients


  • Learn the 3 ingredients anyone can access

  • Start creating your path to success now

  • Identify what's holding you back and how overcome it

Self Respect is Your Super Power

  • What is self respect?

  • How will it change my life?

  • What is the best way to get it?

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PowerPoint Presentation/Workshop:

The Power of Vision:
3 Keys to Mastering Your Results

3 tools to help you achieve your goals
Gain clarity on what your goals are
Develop confidence as you grow

Image by Redd F
Client inspired and supported by Lyndi's Coaching
Lyndi's personal testimony sold me on her authenticity when we first met. Her story would make a heartfelt movie on perseverance. She has conquered every hurdle presented while reaching her personal goals. She asks the right questions to trigger answers within, while goal setting together.  I'm blessed to have her time and positive energy.

M.G.-  Senior Hospitality Administrator

Let's Connect

I am looking forward to serving you!

                      Join My Podcast!


To Your New Life!

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